Circular Statistics

Circular Distribution

Von Mises Distribution = normal distribution for


where 1κσ2

How spread is the distribution?

Resultant Vector Length (R)

Circular Variance


Note that it does not describe the "expected deviation from the mean" as in normal linear statistics

Whether the distribution is uniform?

Test for significance of the mean/median

Circular Similar tests for linear data Prerequisites
circular version of t-test student t-test from a von Mises distribution
parametric paired-tests" Watson-Williams Test paired-t test from a von Mises distribution
non-parametric paired-test (on median!!!) Kruskal-Wallis testNon-parametric methods#Non-parametric methods no prerequisites for the distribution

In non-parametric tests, median is always more important and better estimated, because it is more resilient to the outlier is more robust (e.g. considering when you have a outlier group far away from the 'main' distibution)